Am I On The Right Track?

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

 Hey guys. How are you? Doing okay? Me here feeling not so well since few days ( _ _ll). My head keep spinning and my nose just can't works efficiently. sigh

 Next semester is my final semester in CFSIIUM. That if and only if I manage to pass all the subjects taken. With my level of confidence right now, I don't think it can be happen. My brain can't focus on math and chemistry. It all feel so wrong. So blurry. And now I always thinking of running away from engineering. My mind now lock on Architectural study. I have been interested in this study since the first time I heard about it because I really like designing. Calculating and solving problem now become a problem to me! :(

 My CGPA also not so good. That's one of the factor why I want to exchange from Engineering to AED. But you know, study, it always hard. Nothing is easy! But I think maybe with some passion I can excel on this new discipline that I want to go to. Now I am really lost. Don't know what to do where to go. I really not in mood to finish this semester. Hoping that this semester will pass really fast and start the next semester with new discipline - Architecture and Environmental Design.

 I am not sure yet about my decision. Just afraid that if I change then it not feel like the way I hope it was. And if I don't exchange it now, then I will regret it later. Blerghhh! >,<' Life is so complicated. If I do it I can't rewind it and if I don't then it will passed. Just if I know what I am really made for -,-

 I hope that there's no problem for me to exchange course. Not a problem with the department and with my parents. InsyAllah.

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