Hii guys. Assalamualaikum w.b.t. ...
Most people think being nocturnal is either a choice or the result of insomnia. It is neither. Nocturnal people stay up all night because that's their body's natural rhythm.
Most people think being nocturnal is either a choice or the result of insomnia. It is neither. Nocturnal people stay up all night because that's their body's natural rhythm.
It's true that some people choose to stay up late and sleep in. However, most night owls would prefer to sleep when everyone else does. Being nocturnal hinders the ability
It's also true that insomniacs are often up all night. The difference is that insomnia is short term and treatable. Being nocturnal is not. Rather, it's a natural state of being.
The Circadian Rhythm
All living things have an internal clock called the circadian rhythm, which runs on a 24-hour cycle. The circadian rhythm tells plants when to unfold their leaves. It tells humans and animals when to wake and when to eat. When isolated from external sources, such as light, the circadian rhythm can change an hour one way or the other, but most often stays the same.
The circadian rhythm tells most animals and human beings to wake in the morning and sleep at night, but there are exceptions. Some species of owls, for instance, have a night rhythm rather than a day rhythm. That's why nocturnal humans are referred to as night owls.
In some humans, the internal clock runs on a night rhythm. That doesn't mean they have a sleep disorder or an illness. It is simply their natural rhythm. Even if they haven't slept, their internal clock tells their bodies to wake up once night falls. They are more alert and active at night. They are more apt to be hungry at night rather than in the daytime. In fact, most nocturnals' sleeping and eating schedules are the exact opposite of the day person.
Attempts to Adjust
Some nocturnal people believe there is something wrong with them. In an attempt to conform to a daytime society, many nocturnals will try to reset their circadian rhythm. The first thing they try is strict adherence to a daytime schedule. They get up at the same time every day regardless of whether they've slept. They eat their meals at specific times and go to bed at a specific hour. The result is often that night people go days without sleep, yet their internal clock does not change.
Light therapy is another treatment some nocturnals try. The same methods used to treat winter blues are used here. The nocturnal exposes himself to simulated sunlight for one hour early in the morning. The purpose is to trick the body into waking up. This works for some nocturnals, but for many, it does not.
In order to function in a daytime world, many nocturnals will take sleeping pills, vitamins, and other supplements at night. Sleeping pills often leave people groggy do little to help them stay alert in the daytime. Those who take sleeping pills can also become dependent on them, which exacerbates the problem. Vitamin B12 has been shown to improve sleep onset, but it is not known why, so it is not widely prescribed or taken. Melatonin, a hormonal supplement, helps the body sleep. It is not regulated and the long term effects of taking supplemental melatonin are unknown.
These methods may help some night owls adjust their internal clocks. However, the bodies of most nocturnals, however, will continue to fight to maintain their natural rhythms.
Misconceptions About Nocturnals
The biggest misconception about nocturnals is that they are lazy. The assumption is that because they sleep all day, night owls don't get anything done. In fact, most nocturnal people are highly productive. Their minds and bodies are more active and alert at night, and without the distractions of the daytime world, they can easily concentrate on the tasks in front of them and get more done.
Another misconception is that nocturnals are up to no good. Society associates some activities, such as drinking, taking drugs, and committing crimes, with night time. Because of this, these activities are also associated with nocturnals. In fact, drinking, taking drugs, and committing crimes are done at all hours of the day and night. Night owls are no different from daytime people in that there are many different personalities that engage in many different activities and most are law abiding and respectable by society's standards.
A third misconception is that nocturnals are loners. Just as with day people, some are and some are not. It's true that night people don't get to spend as much time socializing as day people, but that doesn't mean the desire isn't there. Nocturnals will often seek out one another in order to establish friendships with people who share the same schedule.
The fourth misconception is that nocturnals could change if they really wanted to. Asking a night person to switch to a daytime schedule is like asking a day person to learn how to stay up all night. Because it's not natural to them, they are not as alert or productive, and may even become depressed. Jobs and relationships suffer. Just as a morning person functions best in the morning, the nocturnal functions best at night.
Why We Need Nocturnals
Things happen that are out of our control and some of them happen at night. Society needs nocturnals to work emergency jobs. Firemen, paramedics, doctors. In the winter, we need someone to remove the snow and ice from our streets.
Society also needs nocturnals for convenience. We've become accustomed to having 24-hour stores and fast food chains. We enjoy having fresh baked goods in the morning. Service men and women perform maintenance on the internet sites we frequent. They often do this in the middle of the night to create as little disruption as possible for the rest of the world.
The next time you meet a nocturnal, remember he is just like everyone else except he lives at night!
p/s: SELAMAT HARI RAYA! xtau nk tulis ape pasal raya. hihi :P